Tom Holland Went To Introduce Himself To Rory McIlroy On The Driving Range And Rory Had No Clue Who He Was

I find these kind of interactions fascinating. I’m sure there are some who watch that video and don’t give a fuck about celebs interacting with each other, but it tickles my fancy.

For starters, how many times does Tom Holland go around and introduce himself to someone who has no clue who he is? It’s gotta be a great feeling to feel like a normal person here and there. Unless you’re Kevin Bacon I guess.

You may come back at that and say who is Tom Holland, but it would be dumb to say he’s not a big deal. Not everyone watches Marvel movies I get that, but Tom is not some nobody by any means. He’s Spiderman, boasts 65M IG followers, and has dated Zendaya for years. Plus he’s from England. There are so many guys at his level of fame who would be either be 1) insulted that Rory didn’t know him or 2) not give a fuck enough to say hi to Rory since he didn’t say hi first. Similar to how you and I would be nervous to go up to a big name athlete, that was probably Tom’s internal monologue leading up to the interaction, except he himself is a megastar.

Respect to Rory for being completely unbothered. Acting like Tom is some fan boy who won a lottery to get to hit on the driving range next to him. A little Frank the Tank in him. We have tons of big names come through our doors each week and Frank looks them off like they’re one of our IT guys.

From what I gather about Tom, he’s a very low key, private guy who just loves golf, and wants nothing to do with the fame that comes with his talents. Nice swing too, except the chipping needs help.

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