Breaking: Megyn Kelly Has Slammed Robert De Niro, Calling Him ” Extremely Stup*d”

In a recent interview, Megyn Kelly unleashed a scathing critique of actor Robert De Niro, labeling him “extremely stupid” for his outspoken political comments. The confrontation arose after De Niro made headlines for his criticisms of various political figures, including former President Donald Trump. Kelly, known for her forthright opinions and media commentary, did not hold back, suggesting that De Niro’s remarks reflect a lack of understanding and a disconnect from everyday Americans. 

Kelly emphasized that while De Niro is undoubtedly a talented actor, his views are often influenced by a Hollywood bubble that fails to grasp the realities faced by many citizens. She argued that celebrities should be cautious about using their platforms to express politically charged opinions, as it can alienate fans and diminish their credibility. The fallout from this exchange has sparked a broader conversation about the role of celebrities in political discourse and the responsibility that comes with their influence. As the debate unfolds, it highlights the ongoing tensions between entertainment and politics, with Kelly’s comments resonating with those who share her concerns about celebrity activism in today’s polarized environment.


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