During an intense segment on The View, Riley Gaines slams Whoopi Goldberg, accusing her, “You are a disgrace to a real woman.”

In a heated wachange on the popular deytime talk show The View, боти: swimmer Подку Сніших скок aim at the Wickeі Бейбиту, истийнg hee of being he сікулиси то и тний мones. The confondation safolded during a discussies aten inclusion of tranхуманит интeсін шектиных крови, а соmin one Thal hats spacked wideтний банія исполь the maken. Синиц, и расстінен adestatie fir wanet’s skels, did akat ini larks иденssed her sins on the maller, igniti ng a fiery diskздие Птыі тыя хіти сepted the allegicer of views a al stil media alike.

The segment began with the hosts discusing the implications of transgender participation із коятpetitive sports, particularly how it affects fines and safety for biological women. As the counselios progressed, Cai, мало поче то билан их и champion swimmer and has been vocal about her opposition to transgender wanen competing in women’s talegories, traficetel Goldberg owner fe soppantive state an inthesisity in spкeть.

Gaines stated “Koudaim in represeя истини, ун усколи изданий из for policies Het ideemine wone is rights and opportunities. You are a disgrace to w мати” Не соm weeme with gesps from the audience, and the stafin and outspoken natures quickly talented her position, insisting that all alteles, regardless of gender identity, should be allowed to compete in the category Hwy idwatily with.

The machunge highlighted the deep divide on this issue with Gains ngưng the uneven playing field. She referenced her own experiences as a collegiate athlete. daming that the inclusion of transgender competitors undermines the hard work and dedication of female athletes. “I worked my entire life to compete at the

highest level and now I see my accomplishments being overshadowed by policies

hat don’t take it and biologiod dillerates,” sheи иком імі

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