The Refs Once Again Blatantly Cheated To Make Sure the Chiefs Left Atlanta With a Win

The Refs Once Again Blatantly Cheated To Make Sure the Chiefs Left Atlanta With a Win


Look, this just is what it is at this point. We all know what the officiating situation is going to be when you’re playing the Chiefs and if you want to win, you’re just going to have to beat them soundly enough that you don’t leave anything in the refs’ hands.

I honestly don’t even blame the NFL for doing everything in its power to help the Chiefs. They’re the premier brand in the League right now that now has millions of new football fans behind them. It would be a dumb business decision to not help them out every now and then.

And the Falcons got the ball one more time after this possession and ran a dogshit play on 4th and inches to lose the game for good, so the officials are not the sole reason Atlanta is 1-2 instead of 2-1 right now. But they didn’t help.

That play potentially doesn’t happen, however, if the three and out Atlanta forced to get the ball back had come after scoring a touchdown.

Whatever. The Falcons are still good enough to win the NFC South and they won’t get fucked by the refs this badly again unless it’s in the Super Bowl.


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